Audiovisual Experiments
I produced, organized, and participated in an art event with friends Purin Phanichphant and Brian Tice. Six pairs of visual artists and musicians performed a unique piece that combined moving images and music. Andrew Taylor sponsored the warehouse space.



Live event in Richmond, California.
Over 200 tickets were sold for free.

Set with music performance by Palomas and live visuals by Vanessa Koch

Set with music performance and video by Andreas Braendhaugen and Eric Faggin

Vanessa Koch works with paint as a closeup of it is projected onto the screen

The opening act by Palomas and Vanessa Koch began as the sun started to set as seen through the warehouse's windows

Set by Brian Tice and Minjeong Kim

Andreas Braendhaugen and Eric Faggin

Andreas Braendhaugen and Eric Faggin

Sound check

The venue and temporary event signage, Purin Phanichphant

Instagram images for promotion, Minjeong Kim

The space before the start of the event. The projector was held up by the scissor lift as an improvised solution

We created the large scale projection screen by hanging three strips of projection screen fabric

Space planning after a site visit, Minjeong Kim